
10 rules to observe when playing poker online

how a beginer can survive in online poker and make a profit SELECT A CASINO. Rule number one. Be a member of no less than six online casinos so you can rotate and move around from casino to casino during play. Select only well~known casinos with excellent reputations for paying quickly and maintaining industry~ accepted randomizing algorithms (more on this later). SELECT A BETTING LIMIT. But only if it's $1/2, $2/4 or $5/10 blinds. This section will discuss the research, the math, and the studies on human nature that prove conclusively that high~stake limit tables are not the place to make money. They are however an excellent place to lose large amounts of cash in a big hurry. The return on investment (ROI) is best at medium limit tables. SELECT YOUR STAKE. No decision here if your smart. You must have 50 to 100 times the Big Blind. Any less and your chances of making money nose dive. More will only improve your table 'cred'and help to intimidate weaker players

9 Reasons Why Online Poker is Better Than the Real Thing

Online poker has become one of the most popular pastimes. Millions of people have discovered how much fun it is playing their favorite card game against fellow poker players from all over the world. The beauty of online poker is that you aren't playing against a machine, you're playing against a living, breathing, and, most importantly, THINKING opponent. 9. You get to play in your pajamas. Unless you’re a sexy devil a blue dress, playing in your underwear in Vegas is frowned upon.  However, online poker lets you start gambling away with talented opponents looking as poorly or as glamorous as you please.  Being comfortable certainly helps you relax and concentrate on the game at hand. 8. You never have to leave the casino. While it is a good idea to get up for eating and sleeping breaks, there is no time obligation on online poker.  You can play against real opponents any time, night or day and never have to worry about time running out.  You also save money on gas, food

5 Tips to Improve Your Heads Up Poker Play

You’ve finally made it! You’ve played Texas Hold’em for hours and hours, dodged some scary all ins, caught a couple of breaks and now you are sitting at the final table playing heads up poker. Here are some tips to help you improve your heads up Texas Hold’em poker strategy. You’ve finally made it! You’ve played Texas Hold’em for hours and hours, dodged some scary all ins, caught a couple of breaks and now you are sitting at the final table playing heads up poker. Once the joy of making the final table has subsided you will have to get down to business and stake out your opponent. Hopefully by now you have got a good read on the player, their tendencies, strengths and weaknesses. However, it may be important to know that poker players often switch modes when it comes down to heads up play. A poker players heads up play may be completely different than their regular play. Here are some tips to help you improve your heads up Texas Hold’em poker strategy. Tip#1 – An Ace in the Hole

5 Tips For Winning At Video Poker

Video Poker combines both Luck and skill. The luck part is the cards that are randomly dealt to the player. The skill part encompasses much more then simply knowing what to hold and what to fold. In this article we'll discuss some of the things every video poker player should be doing, regardless of their game play strategy. 1. Only Play At Full Pay Machines One of the smartest things any potential video poker player can do is to check the payout schedule before he or s... Video Poker combines both Luck and skill. The luck part is the cards that are randomly dealt to the player. The skill part encompasses much more then simply knowing what to hold and what to fold. In this article we'll discuss some of the things every video poker player should be doing, regardless of their game play strategy. 1. Only Play At Full Pay Machines One of the smartest things any potential video poker player can do is to check the payout schedule before he or she starts playing. The payout

5 Card Stud Internet Poker Explained

To begin the game an ante is first placed on the table by every player. Remember, usually the amount is only a fraction of a bet that is set by the card room. The dealer then deals 2 cards - 1 hole card and 1 door card - starting with the player on their left and continuing clockwise round the table. The player who has the lowest card showing on the table must place the bring-in bet, which is equal to half of the lower level bet. In the first betting round each player, with the possible exception of the bring-in player who has already contributed the bring-in amount, may either choose to fold (quit the game), call (meet the bet) or raise, increasing the bring-in to a full bet. If players still left in the round choose to only call the bring-in amount, then the player who originally contributed the bring-in is the only player who has the option to check their own amount. During the second betting round, the game really starts to take shape as each player is dealt one more door

5 Card Poker Shots

There is nothing like being young. And there is nothing like being young and bored on a Saturday night. Especially when you are in college, and get together with your buddies who are also bored on a Saturday night. That is usually a formula for life long memories that will be anything but boring! When you are in college, it is pretty inevitable that you will find yourself strapped for cash. That's not to say that you won't still find yourself drinking, playing poker, or both! It's funny how it works out that you will not have money to eat or play in a real cash poker game, but you will always find some liquor in the house. (Or will somehow scrape together enough money for a 12 pack of beer.) During times of strife like this, my friends and I would play a game called 5 Card Poker Shots. The game involved no money, but did include shot glasses for each person. The rules of the game were very simple. Every one gets dealt 5 cards. You are allowed to trade up to 3 cards w

4 Gambling Mistakes New Poker Players Make

Poker is a game of chance, but there is still a large amount of skill involved when playing. Many new poker players make gambling mistakes that cost them a lot of money and get them out of tournaments. Some novices play free poker online and never win because of terrible gambling techniques. However, by knowing four common gambling mistakes that are made by new players, you can greatly increase your chances of winning games and tournaments. 1. Going all-in too often or in obvious desperation. In many tournaments with play money, some players go all-in the first hand. It may work for a few times, but after a while, someone will call you. In that case, you better hope that you have actually good cards. All-in can be used to get players to fold, but it should really only be used if you have a solid hand and could possibly double your stack. People should bluff very infrequently with an all-in. Going all-in with a bad hand is what many people call “bad poker.” Sometimes you can get lu